Saturday, 14 January 2012

So Why Singapore?

People that hear about me going on an exchange to Singapore always ask me, so why did you choose Singapore? Some people ask the question with confusion and most are just genuinely interested. I always get the, "Why wouldn't you go to Europe?" or the "Isn't it dangerous?", or my personal favourite, "So how are you going to feel when you are the tallest person in the country?".  Well no, I am not the tallest person in the country (even though sometimes it feels like it) and no it is not dangerous. Some of these questions were just to be funny and some people just couldn't wrap their heads around the fact I chose Asia. But I knew when I chose Singapore, it was the right choice.

I have always wanted to study abroad while I was in University, but I didn't know where I wanted to go. In highschool, I was a part of a student exchange opportunity that went to China. This was a little different from exchange in University though. Rather, I went to China for two weeks and was paired with a student from a private school in Shanghai. I stayed with her family for three days and when she came to Canada, she stayed with my family for a week. This is when I grew an interest in Asia. The culture, the food, and their way of life is so much different from ours. I found the culture shock more exhilarating than I did uncomfortable. This is when I knew I wanted to travel the world.

When it came around to applying for a University abroad, I had multiple options that corresponded well with the MIT program. I chose to apply to England, California, Australia and Singapore. I heard great things about Singapore from previous exchange students that had been there. My friend Chrissy had done a semester in Singapore in the previous semester, and she only had good things to say. (and her pictures rocked!) Also, after I had been to China, I was itching to see what more Asia has to offer. Therefore, I decided to make Singapore my first choice.

A month later I got the letter from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. I got accepted! With so much excitement I accepted the offer almost immediately. It felt so surreal. I almost couldn't imagine myself being in another country for a whole year. Away from my friends, family and Western, I was definitely a little nervous. But after going to the exchange orientation at Western and meeting all the students that were also going on exchange as well, I was more relieved. Also, my friend Xander had gotten accepted for Semester 1, so it was comforting knowing I will know at least one person when I first arrive.

With all the sad goodbyes to my friends and the family, I was on my way. And little did I know, it was going to be the best year of my life.

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